Regulatory & Permit Assistance

The links below will provide you with state and local permit assistance information for your project. LCPC staff is available to meet with developers and applicants to discuss upcoming projects and project compatibility with the 2023-2031 Lamoille County Regional PlanPlease contact LCPC at (802) 888-4548 to arrange a meeting. 

If you need assistance with the state permitting process, Jeff McMahon, Lamoille County's Community Assistance Specialist, is available to discuss your project. You may contact Jeff directly at:

Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
Essex Regional Office
111 West Street
Essex, VT 05452
Telephone: (802) 477-2241

Online Permit Information Resources:
  • Search the Act 250 Database for permit information and documents associated with a project.
  • Act 250 - This link will guide you to information related to the Act 250 permit process.