
Low Impact Development and Green Infrastructure

The Low Impact Development (LID) approach provides opportunities to help mitigate the impact of increased runoff and stormwater pollution. LID strategies are designed to mimic a site’s underlying hydrology by storing and infiltrating detained stormwater. LID is flexible and can be applied throughout the various phases of development, even retroactively.  Costing less than conventional stormwater management systems to install and maintain, in part because of fewer pipe and below-ground infrastructure requirements, LID is an economical alternative to conventional development. Other myriad benefits associated with LID include enhanced property values and re-development potential, greater marketability, improved wildlife habitat, thermal pollution reduction, energy savings, smog reduction, enhanced wetlands protection, and decreased flooding. Opportunities to apply LID principles and practices are infinite—almost any feature of the landscape can be modified to control runoff (e.g., buildings, roads, walkways, yards, open space).

As conventional development continues to degrade our lakes, rivers, and coastal waters LID is increasingly being used to reverse this trend, resulting in cleaner bodies of water, greener urban neighborhoods, and better quality of life. LID offers a strong alternative to the use of centralized stormwater treatment. It aims to work within the developed and developing environment to find opportunities to reduce runoff and prevent pollution. LID controls stormwater runoff at the lot level, using a series of integrated strategies that mimic and rely on natural processes.  By working to keep rainwater on site, slowly releasing it, and allowing for natural physical, chemical, and biological processes to do their job, LID avoids environmental impacts and expensive treatment systems.

Green Infrastructure is a storm water management practice that utilizes natural processes for managing water runoff.

For more information about LID and Green Infrastructure in Lamoille County and throughout Vermont, visit: GreenInfrastructureToolkit

 Ten Common LID Practices
Rain Garden and Bioretention
Rooftop Gardens
Sidewalk Storage
Vegetated Swales, Buffers and Strips, Tree Preservation
Roof Leader Disconnection
Rain Barrels and Cisterns
Permeable Pavers
Soil Amendments
Imperious Surface Reduction and Disconnections
Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping

 For a Green Infrastructure Presentation watch
Where does the Water Go? Innovative Solutions to Stormwater Challenges