Tactical Basin Planning
Tactical Basin Planning
Lamoille Watershed
The Tactical Basin Plan for the Lamoille Watershed has been updated! The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation's (DEC) Basin Planning Process for the Lamoille River drainage area began in 2003. The underlying objective of the Vermont Basin Planning Process is to protect the high quality surface waters of the basin and to restore those waters that do not meet the Vermont Water Quality Standards.
To view the Basin Plan please visit VT DEC’s Tactical Basin Planning webpage at: https://tinyurl.com/y3vwk65z. Goals and implementation strategies for improving and maintaining surface waters in the Lamoille Watershed are outlined in Chapters 4 and 5. For an overview of the Basin Plan see the updated Story Map at https://arcg.is/1GCWem.
Winooski Watershed
The update to the 2018 Winooski River Tactical Basin Plan is complete. Former Basin 8 Planner, Karen Bates, and the current Winooski Basin Planner, Keith Fritschie worked with watershed partners to update the Winooski River Tactical Basin Plan. If you would like to learn more about the update process and future updates, or view the latest Story Map for the Winooski Watershed check the links below.
The 2023 Winooski River Tactical Basin Plan identifies target areas and actions to protect and improve the quality of surface waters. Goals of the current Tactical Basin Plan include:
- Sustain ecological health and human use of water resources;
- Protect, maintain, enhance, and restore the quality of surface waters and habitat;
- Maintain surface waters to meet or exceed Vermont Water Quality Standards;
- Identify actions to protect and improve water quality of surface waters.
Final 2023 Winooski Tactical Basin Plan:
Basin 8 - Winooski River Basin Planning | Department of Environmental Conservation (vermont.gov)