
Elmore Branch Corridor Plan

A Phase 1 Stream Geomorphic Assessment following Agency of Natural Resources Protocols was completed for Elmore Branch by LCPC in 2005, and a Phase 2 Stream Geomorphic Assessment following Agency of Natural Resources Protocols was completed for Elmore Branch by Bear Creek Environmental and LCPC during summer 2006.

The Elmore Branch has a watershed size of 17.5 square miles just above the confluence of the Lamoille River in the Town of Wolcott. The Elmore Branch flows north and joins the Lamoille River which drains westerly into Lake Champlain. It drains from the west shoulder of the Woodbury Mountains and from Putnam State Forest in the east and joins the Lamoille River at approximately 690 feet above sea level.

The communities of Wolcott and Elmore have the opportunity to provide long-term protection to the river corridor and encourage the reestablishment of floodplain vegetation and healthy in-stream habitat. A list of 13 potential restoration and conservation projects was developed during project identification. Types of projects include: river corridor protection and conservation, enhancing the riparian corridor, and replacing undersized structures at stream crossings.

Download the Elmore Branch Corridor Plan.