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Emergency Management




Is Your Community Flood Ready? 

Vermont has an online tool to help communities become more flood resilient: Flood Ready Vermont at www.floodready.vermont.gov.  Flood Ready Vermont compiles maps, information, and learning from around the state. This website will help community leaders avoid damage from flooding and help communities to become more flood resilient. You will find information on post-disaster funding and how well communities are prepared. Is your community planning to avoid flood damage? 

Flood Ready Vermont has the tools and data your community needs to:


Use the Flood Ready Atlas to help you identify what is working to keep your community flood resilient and where structures are at risk. Community Reports quickly compile useful information for your municipal and hazard mitigation plans. 

Communities around the state are working to address known flood risks, and to avoid increasing their exposure to damage from floods.  Flood Ready Vermont features stories from communities making it happen. The website news posts and listserve invite communication across the state among selectboard members, planning commissioners, and other community leaders working toward flood resilience.

LCPC's Role in Emergency Management

Emergency Management is the field of dealing with emergencies, especially large human-caused or natural disasters. The field is usually broken into four phases: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. LCPC plays a role in all of these phases, but we are especially active in the first two, since they are more heavily related to planning.

Mitigation involves actions that lessen the likelihood that a disaster will cause damage, or reduce the severity of the damage. We help towns to mitigate the effects of disasters by encouraging disaster-resistant development that keeps homes and businesses out of harm's way, such as avoiding floodplains. We also work with towns to ensure that their infrastructure, especially roads and drainage, will stand up to expected hazards such as heavy rainstorms.

Preparedness activities get towns ready for anticipated disaster events. We help towns to write basic emergency plans, apply for grants for equipment, request training from State and Federal sources, and participate in exercises or drills designed to practice response activities and to test operational plans. Having well trained and equipped responders with good plans and plenty of practice is the best way for towns to prepare for those disasters that cannot be reasonably avoided.

During the response phase in the midst of disasters, we generally work from the sidelines, ensuring that Vermont Emergency Management is aware of damages to towns and occasionally working with the media or at the State's Emergency Operations Center.

Recovery begins as the immediate response winds down. Our role here involves assisting towns in obtaining and managing federal aid and creating mitigation projects to lessen the damage the next time.

This part of our website is designed to direct you to the proper places for help, give you access to the sources of information on specific types of hazards, and also to direct you to timely news about active or anticipated emergencies. For more assistance, please contact Alec Jones, LCPC GIS & Transportation Planner, at (802) 851-6350 or Alec@lcpcvt.org.
Be safe.