Elders & Persons with Disabilities (E&D) Transportation Program

The Elders & Persons with Disabilities Committee (E&D Committee) is a collaborative working group of human service partner agencies. As a group focused on serving needs of Elders and Persons with Disabilities, the partners coordinate with Rural Community Transportation (RCT) and VTrans to utilize available funding to provide eligible rides to qualifying people in Lamoille, Essex, Orleans, and Caledonia counties. Contact RCT or the human service organization you work with if you need a ride or if you have questions about the program. The E&D Committee holds publicly accessible meetings quarterly, at 10am on the first Thursday of March, June, September, and December. Agendas and Meeting Notes are available below.

For more information on the E&D Program and Committee, please contact Doug Morton of Northeastern Vermont Development Association by email, dmorton@nvda.net.       

Committee Partners

The E&D Transportation Committee oversees and plans the work of the program in the region.